Synopsis: First, this lab builds on an article I saw on MSDN which discussed how to create an External List using Business Data. I noticed that they showed methods for the code but showed no foundation or a Use Case, nor did it discuss the LOB System and how the class entity relationship is defined. In this Lab/Demo we will show a SQL LOB system which holds Personnel data. Imagine if you will, a system such as SAP, PeopleSoft, Dynamics, etc. Imagine also that this LOB system is the Source of Record for your organization for things such as Human Resource related data which may be consumed by Active Directory, Sales, Marketing, Finance(Payroll) etc. How can we surface that data in a Read, Create, Update and Delete fashion maintaining fidelity and ease of use? here is how… First Check out your Database and pay special to the Columns which will be your fields in your Class Definition, also document your data types.
Create a Visual Studio Project using the Business Data ...
Angular, Javascript, HTML 5, CSS, Enterprise solutions. Expertise in Office 365, SharePoint Online, SharePoint 2013, Azure, MVC, Angular JS, KnockOut, Kendo UI, .Net Core. Asp.Net MVC, Web API, Angular 6, Azure AD, Azure Web App, Sql Server 2008, Bootstrap 3, HTML5, CSS3.